The other night, while trying to get the firmware on my
DSL modem upgraded, I ended up turning it into a brick. So,
the naked lady machine (<--Lyle, that reference was for you.) was of little use. Thankfully,
Qwest was kind enough to replace it for free bucks. On the down side, I was off the "
Internets" for a day or so.
Jill has had her ups and downs. Wednesday night, Jill didn't get much sleep because I wouldn't come to bed. As a result, Thursday was rough. Every pain was more painful-every frustration, that much more frustrating. On top of her back spasming, her stomach is now hurting her too. Thankfully though, we have our third CAT scan (in preparation for a Friday meeting with our infectious disease doctor, Dr. Frank) on Monday morning at 8:30 a.m.
Today, except for the very end, was a good day for Jill. I know that this is a "no
brainer". But, it seems as though the more sleep she gets the better her days are. First, we got her IV going with much ease. Later in the day, a nurse came and changed the dressing on Jill's wound vac. She did an excellent job and the thing barely makes its farting noise at all. Later still, we both went to visit
Cade. It was really nice to be able to see him together. After seeing
Cade, we grabbed a late dinner. After dinner is when the stomach pains returned. I laid down with her for a bit. When they subsided, I came down to fix the Internet connection and type this.
Now for the super good news,
Cade is doing really well. They continue to turn down the settings for his vent. He is still off of the dopamine. He is eating every two hours (up from every 4). And, get this, HE IS POOPING! Yeah, I know. I am excited now. Just wait for the 14
th stinky diaper in a day and my tune might change. But, for now, excitement. That, and he looks well.
So, things are looking good. Now, we just need to get Jill to have more good days than bad and I will be a more content camper.
Thanks everyone for all of your thoughts and prayers.
With Love,