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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Cade is "the bomb"

Cade is quite the celebrity in the NICU. One of the nurses last night said "Cade is the bomb". Basically, this was in reference to the fact that he is doing very well. He is now off of the CPAP and just on the steady flow O2. Of course, he pulled that out of his nose a couple of times when we were there. He was also very alert yesterday and he was not agitated. It was nice to see his eyes open and focusing on us. He still has a hard time focusing for a long period of time but I think that he definitely knows his Mommy and Daddy.


無料提供!!情報商材・商品徹底分析!!(初心者向け) said...
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Anonymous said...

I'm so thrilled for you all !!!! off CPAP already...Cade is amazing. That's great! I read your blog daily thanks for sharing with us all.

All my thoughts and prayers,
Jenny Worden