Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Baby Bober decided to come a little earlier than expected. On the night of Thanksgiving, I went to bed with a feeling that the baby was going to come even though I didn't have any signs of labor. By 12:15, I woke up with some bleeding and told Sean that we needed to call the doctor. I explained my situation to the on-call doctor and at first he said, "ok, I think you should call the office in the morning." I think he said that at first because the bleeding could be coming from my cerclage. But, I asked again and he said, "yep, head to the hospital and I'll tell them you are coming." So, we packed up Cade and headed to Abbott. Once we were there, I started to have contractions but they were not very consistent. By the time the doctor got there, I was contracting every 3 minutes even though I didn't know it. So, he said that since I was in labor, had bleeding and was at 36 weeks that he thought we should deliver the baby. He told us that at 36 weeks, we were likely to be able to take the baby home with us when I was discharged. But, they called the special care nursery and got them prepped for our pre-term baby. Sean quickly took Cade up to Andy and Jill's and was back in time to head to the OR with me. Then, by 5:45am Cole Andrew Bober was born. He came out screaming which was such a relief. He was 6 lbs 1 oz and 19 1/4" long. Even his Apgar scores were great at 8 and 9. He ended up with some bruising on his face so for awhile the doctors and nurses weren't sure if he was turning blue or if he was bruised. But, his O2 levels were high so they decided that he had bruising around his nose. He ended up in the regular nursery. I couldn't believe it. No NICU needed!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Still pregnant.......

Well, I've made it to 35 weeks and things are still going extremely well. I can't believe that I'm 10 weeks past when Cade was born. This baby boy is probably already close to 3 times the birth weight of his big brother. At the last ultrasound, about 3 weeks ago, he was an estimated 4lbs 13 oz (54th percentile). With an average weight gain of a half pound a week, he's probably close to 6 lbs. The ultrasound tech kept telling me that this baby is going to seem huge! I guess now I can believe her. Of course, any newborn would seem huge compared to Cade.

Ultrasound from 9/24
I'm still feeling pretty good most days. My hips and lower back are sore alot but that's a small price to pay for a baby born healthy. We have a scheduled c-section on December 16th. Right now, there isn't a reason to think that we won't get there but only time will tell. My stitches are holding and my cervix was still at 4cm 3 weeks ago. There won't be any more ultrasounds since the cervical length naturally thins out. At the last appt, the doc said that we may keep the stitches in until the c-section as long as I'm not uncomfortable. Before, the plan was to take them out at 37 weeks (~Dec 2nd). I guess that I just need to wait and see how I tolerate the extra pressure of baby.

I think that Cade is really understanding that he is going to be a big brother. We have a book about being a big brother that he requests to read at least once a day. He talks about the baby, how he will hold him on his lap and how babies cry. Sean mentioned the other day that the baby will "pop" out of mommy. So, now he really wants to know when this baby is coming. He is also very interested in every baby that we see while we are out and about. He gets concerned when he hears one cry and always wants to go see the babies. I think it will ultimately be a tough transition for him but he will be an awesome big brother.

News about Cade this fall: In September, he "graduated" from having ECSE come to the house. Both the teacher and PT felt that he was doing so well that they couldn't really help him any more. I was happy but also a little sad because both Becca and Lynn were great resources and are great people. We started a year round ECFE class and luckily have some of the same friends from last year in our class. Cade and Eli continue to be good buds and Cara and I get along great. It's nice to have someone that lives so close to hang out with. We also have become good friends with Nichole and Sam. Nichole is also pregnant with a little boy and is due Dec 8th. Nichole and I can share pregnancy stories and Cade and Sam are becoming friends. Class is fun for Cade and for me. At first, he went through some rough separation anxiety but now he likes his teachers and his friends. And, he knows that "Mommy always comes back." That's our mantra around here. In October, Cade had a follow-up neuro appt to check his new shunt setting that we changed this summer. Sean took him to his appt since I can't go in the CT with him. Everything looked the same. I was concerned that Cade was toe-walking again so Sean asked about it. The NP said that it could be caused by the shunt change or the brain damage that he sustained when he was born and to keep an eye on it. He had been toe-walking during the summer but then it went away. Lynn (the PT) said that it's something alot of toddlers do. I think it's actually starting to go away again but I'm still watching for signs that I need to make an appt with his doctor. He can still squat with his heels on the floor so that's a good sign. He also has started jumping everywhere. Alot of times, instead of walking, he hops or dances. He continues to be a happy little boy. We've been lucky this fall to have grandma come and visit a couple of times while Grandpa Reg has been hunting. Cade loves to have grandma come and I know grandma loves to come and see Cade. Grandpa Phil was also able to come for the weekend before Sean's birthday. Cade loves his grandma and grandpas.

Our little dino before we went to the zoo for trick or treating

We went to the zoo on Halloween for a special members only event that was held after hours. It was nice to be able to trick-or-treat indoors and see all of the animals. Cade's favorite "treat" was a plastic flutophone that he called his whistle. He said he had a whistle like Grandpa Reg! (My dad often has a dog whistle with him that he lets Cade play with).

An early visit to see Santa (11/19)

We decided to visit Santa very early this year since baby could come any day. Amy, Ben and Evan were supposed to meet us there but they were sick and couldn't make it. We missed them but Sean was able to meet us there since we had an appt after work. Cade was not a huge fan of the big guy. But, eventually he warmed up a little bit and we did get a great photo.