Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

2 months

Cole is already 2 months old! He had his doctor appointment this evening and here are the stats:
Weight: 11 lbs 14 oz; 55th percentile and almost double his birth weight!
Length: 22 in; 17th percentile
Head circumference: 15.6 in; 41st percentile

Here's some pics of him talking to me today. Check out what looks to be a cleft chin! Maybe he's got a little of his great grandma in him.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

8 weeks

Well, this week went from good to bad very quickly. Sean was off on Monday so he got a chance to take Cade sledding and he loved it. Then, Tuesday we made it to class and had a good time as always. Wednesday was crazy because Cole didn't sleep all morning and wasn't very happy. Thursday morning wasn't much better but Cole finally passed out and Cade only took a short nap (even though he was exhausted) so we headed to Target. Cade was very out of sorts by the time we got home but I didn't know what was wrong. Then, I figured it out rather quickly. He puked all over the kitchen floor. He's been running a temp ever since. No puke on Friday but he puked twice today. Poor baby is just worn out. He was asleep before 7:30 which if you know Cade at all you know that's highly unusual. I'm really hoping that his fever breaks tonight and he can enjoy some of the weekend. One great thing did happen this week though. Yesterday, when I was at my crabbiest and most exhausted, Cole smiled right at me for the very first time! That definitely made up for the crappy week. The week before was so much better. The boys and I got out of the house 3 days in a row. We went to class, then to Cara and Eli's on Wednesday and met up with Amy and Evan at the mall on Thursday. While at the mall, I made my decision that we did need a double stroller of some sort. Cade just isn't ready to walk all the time. So, I ordered a sit and stand where Cade has the option to stand which I think he will love. It came in the mail today and so far Cade does love it. He pushed it all around the house! Last Saturday, we got a chance to see Kristie, Tom and the girls. Cade was very excited that Brooke and Ashley were going to come over "to play cars." Plus, they brought him one of the best gifts ever, his very own shaving kit!
7 weeks (disregard the spit up)

The great shaving kit

Cade took this picture of Cole (I found it as I was deleting the other 100 pics that he had taken)
Cade, all ready to go sliding with Daddy

Spit up again

Love this pic

My sweet little monster

8 weeks

Mr. Blue Eyes

Wow, that window is so nice

Saturday, January 8, 2011

6 weeks

Cole turned 6 weeks yesterday and I had my 6 week post partum check. Dr. Angelats said that I was 75% healed and cleared of all of my restrictions. It's nice that I can pick up Cade again. He's been missing it and so have I. Cole continues to grow like a weed. He's growing out of his newborn clothes. His belly keeps getting rounder and his cheeks keep growing. We bought a new swing for him that is like a cradle so he sleeps in that alot at night. I'm not sure if it's the swing, the "miracle" swaddling blanket that Sean bought or just the fact that he's getting a little older but he's now going 3 hours or a little more between feedings! He continues to spit up alot and have issues with gas. I hate to see him uncomfortable and at times he cries before he can pass gas. I wish we could help somehow but I'm not sure what else to do.
Cade says, "The marker smells like chocolate!" I guess you don't buy a 2 year old scented markers.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Back to work

Well, after 5 weeks of having constant help, I am on my own with the boys. I loved having my parents here for 2 weeks. Actually, I think it's safe to say we all loved having them here. Cade misses them now and talks about them coming here or us going to Proctor. He "reads" the Hallmark recordable books that he got for Christmas from them every nap time and bedtime. They are "grandpa's book" and "grandma's book". Sean was here for the first 2 weeks Cole and I were home and then for the week between Christmas and New Years. We all loved having him home too. Cade especially is having a hard time adjusting to daddy going to work. Yesterday, we all made it out the door by 9:15 to go to our ECFE class. Cade was really excited to go back to class and so was I. Six weeks of no class was way too long.
Cole liked Cade's Sing-a-ma-jig
Baby boy hanging out with us downstairs
Cade and I attempting to get a good picture. Gotta love that smile.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year (5 weeks)

As you can see, Cole's cheeks keep increasing in size! His only issue so far has been the fact that he only goes poop every other day and becomes very crabby and needy on the day that he's scheduled to poop. Apparently, our babies just don't have very quick digestive systems. It gets frustrating because Cole just wants to be held most of the time which I don't mind at all except it makes it very difficult to take care of Cade. I have a sling carrier on order which should give me back the use of my hands and still keep Cole happy and comfortable. Juggling 2 is definitely more than twice the work.