I feel like I haven't blogged specifically about Cade in a long time. It's hard to believe that he's going to be 3 in a few weeks. He continues to do amazingly well despite his rough start. A few things that I have been impressed with lately:
1. After breakfast, he puts his bowl and spoon in the dishwasher or sink without being asked.
2. When he comes upstairs, he almost always makes sure that the lights and TV are off. I even asked him yesterday if he could make sure he turned off the lights. His reply, "Cade already did."
3. While I was busy with Cole, he put a dirty empty bottle in the sink for me without being asked.
4. He knows how to use words like "probably" and "actually" correctly in sentences.
5. He started to learn to rhyme with grandma and now does it all by himself. I think it started with "Elmo, Melmo" and now he just makes up words to rhyme with whatever he's talking about.
6. He continues to want to take care of his baby brother and hold him. Alot of times he wants Cole to stay in his room for nap.
7. He knows how to vacuum with the real vacuum. When I told him that we needed to check to make sure that the bag wasn't full, he pushed the vacuum over and opened the door to check.
8. He decided one day during nap that he was going to take care of his own poopy diaper. By the time he was screaming for me, he had taken his pants off, his diaper off, put it in the garbage can and was sitting on his futon. He had poop all over his hands and a poopy kleenex next to him. I couldn't even be angry since he was trying to be so independent. It was a pretty nasty clean-up job though.
Dr. Cade fixing piggy