Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

10 pounds!

I know that it's been over a week since my last post. Cade keeps me very busy. Especially when you add in the home health visits and other doctor appointments. Last week, we had the home health nurse come on Tues and Fri to check on his O2 saturation. He stayed above 90% which is what the doc wants. They also weighed him both days and on Tuesday he was 9 lbs 8 oz and on Friday he was 9 lbs 15 oz. 7 oz in 3 days is amazing weight gain. Today, we went the the pediatrician and he was 10lbs 3 oz. He's almost 5 times his birth weight. He is also 22 1/4" long. For 4 months old, he is not on the charts but for 4 weeks (his adjusted age) here's his stats:
On the preemie charts for boys born below 1500 g:
Weight 75%
Length 95%
On the standard chart for boys:
Weight 70%
Length 75%
Also, today we went to Children's to get a head ultrasound and then the neuro office to get the results. It looks like his ventricles are shrinking and are now close to normal size. This is great news because it means there will be more room for brains :). Plus his head circumference is increasing which means his brain is growing while the ventricles shrink. We'll have another follow up appointment in a month.
This weekend Sean's dad and girlfriend came down and we got a chance to hang out on Saturday afternoon/evening. It was good to have them here since it's so tough for Phil to get away. He is the primary caretaker of Sean's grandparents up in Chisholm and it's more than a full time job. Here's some pictures of grandpa Phil.

Last week, Cade modeled an outfit for me. We had to try it to honor the women's soccer team's gold medal. Notice the soccer ball on his shirt.

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