Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, June 30, 2008

Immunizations, yuck

Cade continues to recover very well from surgery. He is now ok'ed to have a bottle at any feeding where he is awake. He took a whole bottle from us on Friday, almost a whole one on Sat and another whole one on Sunday. He's up to 48 mils (1.6 oz) per feeding and is 5 1/2 lbs. He's still a peanut but he's growing. He hasn't outgrown his preemie clothes yet but I keep hoping he will soon because of course he has a whole new set of newborn size to try out. There's no doubt that our child will never run out of clothes since Mommy keeps finding good deals. Daddy teases that he's set until he's 18 but that's a little bit of an exaggeration. Yesterday, he had to have his 2 month immunizations. It still doesn't make sense to me since he isn't even supposed to be born yet but I guess shots do not get adjusted for due date. Sean and I asked that we be present when he got them so that we could help comfort him after the trauma. The nurses don't like giving shots and they kept saying things like "he doesn't have any meat on his bones" Well, duh, he only weighs 5 1/2 lbs and just a few weeks ago starting getting some fat. But, they gave him the shots in his not so plump thighs and both had one leg so that they could give 2 shots at the same time to try to minimize the pain. Then, a 3rd shot needed to be given in his left leg. That one didn't go so well. The first try bounced off his leg so the nurse needed to really jab it in. That's when Sean needed to walk away. It's hard to see your child in pain especially when he has gone through so much already. I'm really glad he won't remember any of this. I'm also glad he was born in 2008 and not back when his parents were born. I read in one of our preemie books that in the 70s doctors didn't give preemies anesthesia because it was thought that it was too risky. I'm so glad they changed their minds. After the shots, Cade went to sleep with me and then Sean took over for awhile before we left for the night. I'm glad we were there to help him through that little hurdle.
Here's some pictures taken before his surgery without his NG tube but he did have a big IV:

The expressions of Cade

Here's a picture from last night, sleeping and holding onto my shirt.

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