Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

18 month stats

Today, Cade had his 18 month appointment. It seemed like he recognized his doctor when we saw him in the hallway. The appt went well and Cade even talked to the doc. Of course, nothing was understandable. His stats are:
Height: 31 inches, 15th percentile for 18 months
Weight: 20 lbs 3 oz, 1st percentile for 18 months (he's barely on the charts but he's finally made the 20 lb mark!)
Head circumference: 18.5 in, 27th percentile for 18 months

He was such a big boy. He didn't shed a tear when he got 3 shots. I was amazed but this was the first time that I held him during the shots instead of just holding him down. His upper lip quivered but not a peep out of him.

I think that there will be some crying in the near future though. The doc said that I should work on weaning Cade in the next 6 weeks. I don't think it's going to go well. I also asked about his obsession with hair. I'm not sure if I've written about it before but Cade loves playing with hair. Any type of hair, mine, Belle's, Sophie's, Lucy's. He will find it on the floor, pull it from my head and pull it out of the poor animals backs. When I told the doc, he agreed that it is a weird obsession but not something to be concerned about since there are no other signs that something is wrong. The doc also commented on the fact that Cade makes such great eye contact and is very interactive. He said that there are no signs of autism. He also checked for signs of cerebral palsy and said that Cade's reflexes were a little off but nothing to be concerned about. If there is CP, it is very mild but nothing diagnosable yet.

Here's a cute video of Cade opening the door to wave hi to the dogs but then he closes the door and can't get it open again:

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