Last night was another long one for Jill. After the fever spike, she finally got to go to sleep with the help of some Flexerol to help with the back spasms. After that though, she was awakened to drink the CAT scan drink three times and was poked by the needle bearing butcher at least three times as well. Thankfully though, the last few times she has been poked for blood, the guy was actually good at what he did. In fact, Jill didn't even feel it once. So, all in all, she really didn't get much sleep and hasn't had real food in God knows how long.
But, on the bright side, her NG tube is out, the CAT scan showed that all is well in terms of her lungs/bowel, and she has been cleared to consume clear liquids. So, thankfully, it wasn't a worst case scenario kind of deal.
Dr. Bonnie Landrum call this morning and let us know that Cade's heart mummer is louder. So, she is suggesting that Cade undergo surgery to either tie off, or tie off and cut his ductus. He is scheduled to go in at about 1:30 pm CST. I will do my best to keep this up to date with his status. Basically, the theory here is that the murmur is causing the BP issues and once those issues are resolved, he will have a better platform to grow and thrive from.
I would like to just take a second to thank everyone for all that they have done for us. I wish that I could make a list and tell everyone thank you and name what they have done specifically but, I can't. All that I can say is that all of our family and friends (Yes, that means you) have been awesome, bar none. Although I am not the most pious person, I am grateful for all of the thoughts and prayers everyone has been sending our way.
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