Well, after all was well with the CAT scan and we thought we were out of the woods, one of Jill's blood cultures (drawn from her arm) turned up positive for gram-negative bacteria which could mean that, somehow, bacteria that normally resides in her bowel made it into her blood stream.
This info got a whole bunch of doctors and nurses in a tizzy. There was talk of possible exploratory surgery. Everyone got pretty concerned.
Before that though, one the the big-wig medical troubleshooters, a general surgeon, was called in to review the case. He looked at the case, looked at Jill and how well she was doing throughout the day, and basically said, he couldn't justify cutting her open. So, that is one giant monkey off our backs.
I am hopeful that Jill has rounded the corner and is on her way to recovery. Now, maybe Linda and Reg can go home and have a bit of their life back too.
Cade went in for his PDA surgery. He finally went under the knife at about 5:20 pm. About 40 minutes later, he was out and the surgery seems to have been a success. Andy was here and mentioned that he couldn't get his oil changed that fast. The doctor and anesthesiologist were great. Right now Cade is still basically out of it. But, his murmur is gone.
He is a bit heavier after the surgery (babies tend to withhold water after surgery). He is needing some oxygen in his ventilator air. And, he needed a small bump in his dopamine levels to increase his blood pressure. Taken together, these are slightly negative things. But, in the grand scheme of things, they are all relatively minor and expected after a surgery.
So, what I am trying to say is that I am extremely grateful for Cade making it out alive and well. So, there is another giant burden lifted off of our chests.
Now, if only the blood in his ventricles would continue to dissipate and the ventricles themselves return to normal size, that would eliminate the last of our major worries for the moment. Another ultrasound is scheduled for Monday. So, hopefully we will see then.
In a further bit of good news, Dad, Sue, and Grandma Bober are all supposed to be coming down this morning to see Jill and Cade. Jill and I are extremely curious as to how grandma will react when introduced to her great grandson.
Until then, here are some more pics.
How dare you shove this thing in my mouth!
Oh my! Mikey, I think I like it.
Sweet relief.
Here is a picture that the Dr. drew of my heart and the statistical probability of stuff going wrong.
I have a patch but not on my pirate eye.
Yaaar! Deb, you salty dog, I'll cut yer guts out and use em for chum.
No, I said, pat your mouth and rub your chest. Like meeeee!
I really like this tube. It satisfies my oral fixation.
I am so mad right now!
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